Williamscraig Holiday Cottages

Accommodation, Self Catering in Linlithgow

Z8eb Zeyl Fev

Williamscraig Holiday Cottages



These award winning cottages really are the real deal and complete with ‘Hot Tubs’ underfloor heating and the very best of furniture and white goods, you won’t ever need for anything during your stay here, except maybe a butler! I say this because even though these cottages are perfectly situated, only just a short drive from Edinburgh itself, the location is so perfect, you might be tempted not to leave for the whole duration of your stay, such is how lovely each one is. I was lucky enough on the day of my visit to be able to take a peek around one of the cottages and I was agasp at how nice they were. I say lucky, because each one was taken and halfway through October, despite our present climate, that’s a testament to how good this accommodation is. They have a great website, so why not hop on there and book your visit, go on, you know you want too!

- Top 100 Review
Z8eb Zeyl Fev

Contact Us

The Horsemill , Williamscraig,
Linlithgow, West Lothian , EH49 6QF





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View the map below to see where we are and to get directions.

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