Llangollen Railway
“Faster than fairies, faster than witches, bridges and houses, hedges and ditches; and charging along like troops in a battle, all through the meadow the horses and cattle:” R. L. Stevenson.
Unlike Harry Potter’s Hogwarts Express: you don’t have to be a witch, or a wizard to travel aboard the Llangollen Railway; as everyone is welcome at this immaculate station, perfectly sequestered in the historic town of Llangollen. Tourists can enjoy rides on the heritage trains - both steam and diesel, and take in the surrounding Vale of Llangollen and Corwen, carved out by glaciers - providing stunning, dramatic landscapes that are quite simply breathtaking. Llangollen Railway is a Heritage Railway Line that follows the River Dee through the Dee Valley, and is situated within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The five stations are all of a typical Victorian style, and each have their own walks and beautiful views, so why not make a full day of it. The staff are extremely friendly and helpful, and for just an extra pound you can upgrade to first class, and then travel in true style.

Contact Us
The Station
, Abbey Rd,
Llangollen, Denbighshire
, LL20 8SN
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