The Glasgow Police Museum
Run totally by volunteers and the majority of them being ex Glasgow Police Officers themselves, this museum really does offer a unique insight into what policing in Britain’s first ever police force was like, not only in times gone by, but for modern day police officers also. This small but compact museum has to be one of the biggest, smallest museums I’ve ever visited and the interpretation that is here is second to none. The museum itself is well thought of, it draws police officers from all over the world and on the day I visited, there were a couple of California’s finest Highway Patrolmen visiting, having come all that way, they were only there as the museum itself has a huge reputation spanning continents and with a very nominal entrance fee, you will get complete value for money. So, with so much history under one roof, you’ll really enjoy one of Glasgow’s smallest, yet most interesting museum.
- Top 100 Review
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First Floor
, 30 Bell Street,
Glasgow, Glasgow & The Clyde Valley
, G1 1LG
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