The Cairn Hotel

Eating Out, Accommodation, Hotels in Carrbridge

Jzhp Nw Ne2 Pu

The Cairn Hotel

Eating OutAccommodation


Carrbridge is a lovely village and perfectly situated here is the Cairn Hotel. This 15 bedroomed hotel, along with its charming decor, really is one of the biggest players in the area. Having been in the tourism industry for many years, the hotels owner Gareth, understands just how important it is to provide his guests with not only a great experience, but also value for money and believe me, this is exactly what is on offer here. As I was being given a tour around the hotel, it was clear to me that since buying this property, the owner has been spending endlessly on bringing his accommodation up to a very good standard and even on the day of my visit, decorators were busy touching up here and there. All in all, I’m sure you’ll really enjoy your stay here and I loved the Cairn Hotel that much, I’ve even featured them into the restaurant section of this chapter.


Having featured the Cairn Hotel and its varied hotel rooms into the accommodation section of this chapter and being so impressed by the whole venue, I couldn't think of anywhere else better to recommend to you to eat. The hotel and its old country inn style inn restaurant along with its really cosy open log fire, is that nice, you actually won’t want to leave. Even if your staying elsewhere and looking for somewhere to eat, the food here is excellent, well priced and the staff are really friendly, which is always a good thing. In fact, it is rumoured that Scotland’s national anthem was even written here by a gentleman whilst partaking in a trad music session one evening, or so the story goes anyway. So for those of you who want to experience the real Scotland and its wonderful food, then take yourself over to the Cairn Hotel, you’ll be glad you did!

- Top 100 Review
Jzhp Nw Ne2 Pu

Contact Us

Main Road ,
Carrbridge, Highlands , PH23 3AS





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