Minterne Himalayan Gardens
You can visit the unique Himalayan gardens and wander ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ through Minterne’s wild woodland gardens and let the tranquility provide that perfect antidote to life’s stresses. Landscaped in the manner of Capability Brown the gardens are laid out in a horseshoe below Minterne House. The trail is around a mile in length with benches at regular intervals so you can sit and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Minterne hosts a world renowned and completely unique collection of Himalayan Rhododendrons and Azaleas, with Spring bulbs, Cherries, Maples and many fine and rare trees. The gardens boast many other picturesque features with a chain of small lakes, waterfalls and streams.
The Victorian’s really did know what they were doing when it came to planning the build of their gardens and that is a fact! I have just bought a brand new build house and I am still a short time on, scratching my head as to what I should do with it and it is a fraction of the size of the garden than here at Minterne House in Dorset. Even though apart from weddings, the house here is closed to the public, the gardens for me are the main event. Featured on BBC’s Gardeners world, amongst others, such is its magnificence, this garden, along with its Himalayan theme offers 27 acres of pure serenity, yet curious adventure. This place is just as much about its wide selection of trees as it is its beautiful gardens and the colours that can be seen here in Autumn are just a deligh
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Dorchester, Dorset
, DT2 7AU

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