King of the Vikings

Attractions in Waterford

King of the Vikings 1

King of the Vikings



“Throne over throne where in half sleep, their swords upon their iron knees, brood her high lonely mysteries.” W. B. Yeats.

From its Viking roots, to the ravishing beauty of the Georgian & Victorian times: Waterford City is rich with history. However, from deep within the ancient ruins of a 13th Century Franciscan Friary; something bang up to date awaits! The King of The Vikings is the world’s first strikingly awesome, Viking Virtual Reality experience, where visitors can actually step into a stunningly authentic reconstructed Viking house. Let yourself be transported back to the Viking world-by this extraordinary state-of-the-art technology, which is located in Ireland’s oldest City. Winner of Traveller’s Choice-Best of the Best, this fantastic Viking house is situated in medieval Waterford, right at the heart of Ireland’s Viking Triangle, and could well prove to be the history lesson you’ve ever had! Bring along your little Viking’s, and light the flame of fascination for history in their hearts.

- Top 100 Review
King of the Vikings 1

Contact Us

Cathedral Square ,
Waterford, Co. Waterford , X91 H921

+353 (0)51 849501




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