Deer Park Golf
“The trees, the streams, the slope so green, the boathouse built in stone, the walks, the stops, the silence, what a wonderful place to roam.” W. Hanna.
With its outstanding views of Dublin City, the North Dublin Coastland and beyond: Deer Park Golf is beautifully positioned, and is graced by the dramatic 13th Century Howth Castle, creating a unique and breathtaking backdrop. Situated in the appealing seaside village of Howth, which dates back to prehistoric times, and even features in Irish Mythology, and it’s here where; “Dublin learnt to play golf”, and was originally opened by Christopher Gaisford-St. Lawrence of Howth Castle. Beautifully maintained by long time Head Greenkeeper: Gerry Hudson and team, the Fred Hawtree designed layout continues to provide huge pleasure to golfers, and Professional player; Alan Staunton, an expert in putting, provides first class advice and consultations. The Café Bar makes a grand place to relax and reflect on your game, and enjoy the superb views.

Contact Us
Howth Castle
Howth, Co. Dublin
, D13 EH73
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